Best Designed Websites

Best Designed Websites

According to ScienceDaily, recent eye-tracking research conducted at the Missouri University of Science and Technology confirms that when someone views a website, it takes less than two-tenths of a second to form a first impression. “We know first impressions are very important,” says Dr. Hong Sheng, assistant professor of business and information technology at Missouri S&T. “As more people use the Internet to search for information, a user’s first impressions of a website can determine whether that user forms a favorable or unfavorable view of that organization.” Good website design is an integral part of any business.

The best-designed websites do not have the following issues:


Non-Working Links

best designed websites

Even the best-designed websites can contain non-working or broken links. This can apply to anything from menu tabs to footer tabs and anything in between that appears to be a link but takes you nowhere.

Low-Quality or Just Plain BAD Logos

best designed websites

When the logo looks like it is poor quality or like a child drew them on the spot. It is worth it to invest in a quality logo if you need one.

Too Many Distractions & Chaotic Content

best designed websites

Have you ever seen information that runs off the page or into the sides of boxes without any margins? Flashing, Sounds, Pop-up Ads, etc. in every nook and cranny. Where do you go? What do you do? Leave!

Pages that take Forever to Load

best designed websites

I’m waiting. I’m waiting. Good-bye.

Bad Taste

best designed websites

There is just no excuse for bad taste. There are too many colors, typestyles and images that don’t mesh well together.

HTML Code Mistakes

best designed websites

Another mistake that some people make, noticeable mostly to the search engines, is having HTML code with errors. Most web pages are written in HTML code. If your code contains errors, the search engines will probably not be able to index your site and it will not be found.